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New Epilepsy Monitoring App includes secure video & biometrics

New Epilepsy Seizure Alarm App Survey

We have been developing an app to link with our nighttime epilepsy seizure alarm and technology network.

We have built using Android technology to keep the costs as low as possible & to ensure access is available to the largest number of users worldwide. Our epilepsy alarm app is in the final stages of testing.

Before we finalise our app & launch on the Google App store we would like your opinion about some of our features & services.

Epilepsy Seizure Alarm APP survey go directly to the survey
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How does the seizure alarm app work?

Essentially the app will send a live alert when a seizure is detected to a number of pre-determined contacts. Location details & biometric data will be available, there are also tools to help manage medication & record important events.

How much does the seizure alarm app cost?

We are actively working on ways to provide our app FREE of charge at the point of use, this may not be possible where local rules & regulations prevent us.

We want to avoid paying for app development using advertising if we can, this will slow our development programs. If we have to charge costs will be kept to a minimum, there is a section in the survey that allows you to tell us what you think could be a reasonable charge for some services.

Which languages is the seizure alarm app available in?

The first version of our app will be in English, however, our app will work anywhere & we want to actively help as many people living with or caring for those with epilepsy, where ever they are in the world. Developing alternative language options is one of our priorities!

It takes less than 10mins to complete our Epilepsy app survey

If you could take a few minutes to complete our survey you will be helping to shape our app for other people who will use our epilepsy alarm app in the future.

Please share this page with your support networks via your social media the more people we can reach the better the first version of our app will be!